Procurement Basics

supplier management best practices

5 min read

8 Supplier Management Best Practices any business can implement

For anyone responsible for procurement in an organisation, supplier management is an inevitable area of responsibility. It can either make you a company's superhero or add extra headaches and purchasing risks.

Daryna Rodriguez
Daryna Rodriguez
Supply Chain Management
automate purchase orders

4 min read

How to automate Purchase Orders? — Purchasing Automation Pros and Cons

Discover the risks of a manual purchasing process and learn steps to tackle purchase order automation effectively.

Daryna Rodriguez
Daryna Rodriguez
Purchase Orders
procurement automation

2 min read

How to Improve Performance Through Procurement Automation

In today’s competitive business landscape, organisations are under pressure to improve performance whilst reducing costs. One area where businesses can make significant efficiency gains is in their procurement function.

Daryna Rodriguez
Daryna Rodriguez
Procurement Basics
automating tasks

2 min read

Automating Tasks: Excel vs. SaaS

In the business world, time is money. The faster you can get tasks done, the more productive you and your team can be. That's why task automation is so important. But what's the best way to automate tasks?

Daryna Rodriguez
Daryna Rodriguez
Procurement Basics
fix procurement problems

1 min read

The 3 Most Common Procurement Problems (and How to Fix Them)

Lack of Visibility Into Spend One of the biggest challenges facing procurement managers is lack of visibility into company spend. Without knowing where your money is going, it's difficult to make informed decisions about where to cut costs or where to allocate additional funds. The solution? Implementing a

Daryna Rodriguez
Daryna Rodriguez
Procurement Basics
procurement process

1 min read

Procurement Process: An Overview

In business, procurement is the process of acquiring goods or services. The main purpose of procurement is to ensure that the company can obtain the necessary materials and services in a timely and cost-effective manner.

Daryna Rodriguez
Daryna Rodriguez
Procurement Basics
procurement plan

2 min read

How to Create a Procurement Game Plan

Every organization has different procurement needs, which means that there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to procurement. However, there are some best practices that all organizations can follow to ensure that their procurement process is as efficient and effective as possible.

Daryna Rodriguez
Daryna Rodriguez
Procurement Basics
indirect vs direct

2 min read

Indirect vs. Direct Goods and Services: What's the Difference?

Indirect goods and services are those that are not essential to the core product or service of a company. They are often used in the production or delivery of a company's primary offering, but they are not themselves the primary offering.

Daryna Rodriguez
Daryna Rodriguez
Procurement Basics