Liudmyla Savina

Liudmyla Savina

Product Marketing Manager at Precoro. Keeps readers in the loop on vital Precoro announcements and integration tips.

precoro pricing

3 min read

Latest Updates to Our Pricing Structure

Starting from January 2024, we’re changing our pricing to better align with the evolving needs of our customers and continuous product improvement.

Liudmyla Savina
Liudmyla Savina
document customization

4 min read

New in Precoro: Document Custom Forms For Orders and Invoices

Introducing Document Custom Forms: with this new Precoro feature, users can create personalized structures for different types of documents while eliminating the need to fill in numerous unnecessary fields.

Liudmyla Savina
Liudmyla Savina
service order

3 min read

New Capability in the PO Module: Use Service Order Feature

Meet our expanded functionality in the PO Module – the Service Order feature. It’s designed so that you can easily purchase services and spread out the payments. Unlike with POs, you don’t need to enter item quantities or receipts – allowing you to order more conveniently.

Liudmyla Savina
Liudmyla Savina
direct precoro integration with xero

3 min read

Direct Precoro Integration with Xero: Sync Procurement and Accounting

We are delighted to announce our new two-way integration with Xero! Enjoy even more enhanced purchasing operations with direct sync between procurement and accounting departments.

Liudmyla Savina
Liudmyla Savina
functionality for vendor management in precoro

4 min read

Expanded Functionality for Vendor Management: Supplier Approvals

The Supplier Management module in Precoro has improved with the recent addition of the Supplier Approval feature. From now on, all users will be able to submit a request to add new suppliers, and these applications will automatically be sent to employees in charge of approving.

Liudmyla Savina
Liudmyla Savina
precoro journey in the year 2022

3 min read

Precoro journey in 2022: Product updates, you shouldn't miss

In this magical pre-Christmas season, we want to reflect on the best Precoro upgrades of 2022. Scroll down to make sure you have caught everything.

Liudmyla Savina
Liudmyla Savina
Product Updates
precoro and power bi integration

3 min read

Precoro-Power Bi Integration: Analyze Company Indicators in 1 Place

Precoro integration with Power BI completely transforms your data analysis experience. Transfer procurement data directly from Precoro to your Power BI account in a matter of minutes and receive real-time reports whenever you want. Check out the benefits and learn how the integration works below.

Liudmyla Savina
Liudmyla Savina
google and precoro integration

4 min read

Google and Precoro Integration: Quick Access and Automated Reporting

Google integration aims to make your Precoro experience even better. Now you have the option to access your Precoro account with Google Sign In and export any report directly into Google Sheets in just a few clicks.

Liudmyla Savina
Liudmyla Savina