precoro product update january 2022

1 min read

Product Update, January 2022

In this heart-felt release, Precoro introduces a number of document attachment updates, budget import improvement, and a new feature for multi-companies.


Document Attachment Update

Last month’s focus was on document attachments and the improvement of their UX.

Preview mode for PDF and image attachments to documents

PDF and Image attachments can now be viewed in the browser without downloading.

By simply clicking on the attachment name, you’ll open the preview window. We’ve also optimized the attachments for mobile screens.

We’re already working on introducing the same improvement to the Word, Excel, msg, and zip formats.

To download the file, use:

  • The Download button in preview mode;
  • The Ctrl (Cmd) + Click combination on the attachment name.

Attachments to Supplier card

Attachments can only be added to the already created Supplier's card. Therefore, while creating a new Supplier, you should first fill in all required fields in the Supplier card, Save it, and then click the Edit button to Add attachments.

For Suppliers who use the Supplier Portal, attachments will be available in the coming releases.

Budget Import Improvement

Starting from January, you can assign Location to the budget line using its Name or Code (previously, it was only possible to use Name).

And as usual, if you want to set a few Locations per one budget line — use “;” to divide the options.

New Feature for Multi-Company Accounts

Now you can check pending actions of document approval/matching in other companies.

To see what actions are pending, go to the drop-down menu with a list of your companies and click on Check pending actions.

Precoro will calculate the number of documents waiting for your approval or matching in each company.

This number will be indicated in the red circle next to the company's name. If there’s no circle, it means no documents are waiting for your approval/matching.

Product Updates