precoro product update january 2021

2 min read

Product update, January 2021

New language, improvements in import, new QBO integration features and more!


Precoro in German

From January, Precoro is available not only in English, Spanish, French, and Russian languages but also in German. Great news, aren’t they? Come and check!

precoro in german language

Locations import

To make company setup more automated, we added a possibility to import locations. Now you can easily import locations in bulk and save a lot of time.

locations import

You can read more about importing locations here.

We added a possibility to turn off and turn on Legal Entities in Configurations. So you can disable Legal Entities that are not needed and turn them on when necessary.

A new feature in QuickBooks integration

An integration process became faster and more handy. Now you can import suppliers from QuickBooks just by clicking on the button "Import from QuickBooks".

quickbooks integration

New column in reports by Precoro

Reports became even more informative. Starting from January, you can see an amount of rejected items in reports "PO export by items" and "PR export by items".

Filters by Departments

To prevent mistakes and make document creation easier — you can filter items while creating Purchase Order or Request for Proposal from Purchase Requisition.

With this feature, you can see all items you need to order and then choose a department to create an order for.

filter items while creating request for proposal

"Project Code" property between Precoro and QBO

We added a possibility to import Customers/Projects from QuickBooks to Precoro. Now they can be displayed in your Cost Centers. You also will be able to select Classes and Projects at the item level.

Improved navigation between documents

We know that you often use info cards. So we decided to improve navigation — if you filtered documents by clicking on the info card, you could easily go back to all documents with the same status.

Product Updates