precoro product update january 2020

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Product Update, January 2020

We've released some very important features you've been waiting for. Check out our latest Precoro update!


Integration with QuickBooks  

We are very excited to announce our new QuickBooks Online integration! Now you can automatically send the documents from Precoro directly to your accounting system.
What you'll get with the integration:

  • reducing the manual entry of Purchase Orders or Invoices in QuickBooks Online;
  • synchronizing suppliers data in Precoro and QuickBooks Online;
  • better communication between purchasing and accounting.

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quickbook integration settings page in precoro

Multiple companies in one account

If you have offices, branches, subsidiaries, companies all around the world, you will have operations in different currencies, and various purchasing processes.

It is hard to define one process for all of the companies:

  • Every company have different approvals, budgets, processes
  • Every company have its operation currency

We want to make your purchases clear and manageable.

So we added an ability to operate with all of your companies separately.

In Precoro, you can add as many companies you need and create a purchasing process for all of them.

Learn more

dashboard for multiple companies

Purchase Order printing configuration

With this function, you can customize how your Purchase Order file will look.

What customizations are available:

  • Supplier’s/Legal Entity’s payment details
  • Approvers
  • Place for signing

Learn more

purchase order printing configurations

Book a personalized demo today to see all the improvements in action.

Product Updates