precoro pricing

4 min read

Precoro Introduces New Pricing

In January 2022, Precoro will introduce a new pricing model. Get a sneak peek at the upcoming changes and benefit from our special EOY offer!

Lora Arbuzova
Lora Arbuzova

Early next year, we’ll introduce new pricing plans that will better reflect our customers’ requirements and enable us to keep improving Precoro and implementing exciting new features.

What Does New Pricing Look Like?

Drawing upon our years-long experience working with clients across many industries and our robust understanding of the various approaches to purchasing operations, we've designed a flexible pricing model that better accommodates the needs of our customers and the diversity of their workflows.

Pricing Plans

Starting from 2022, Precoro will offer two pricing plans:

  • For smaller teams of 20 users or less ($35 per user per month billed annually);
  • For larger teams of 21+ users (the pricing will be tailored individually to suit your unique business requirements.)

The new plans will include unrestricted access to all Precoro features and free lifetime updates. Standard onboarding and end-to-end support are also included in the price.

As always, there are no hidden fees, additional setup or implementation costs unless you choose to benefit from optional paid add-ons:

Why is there a distinction between pricing for companies with less and more than 20 users?

The more employees involved in the purchasing operations, the more complicated your workflow is.

In this context,  our consultant will first determine your business needs and outline your processes during a discovery call to offer you the most cost-effective price.

Pricing Models for Larger Teams

We provide 3 types of pricing packages to accommodate the requirements and reflect the business structure of each team: Standard, Power-User, and Package.

With Standard pricing, we charge you for each user added to the system, regardless of user roles and permissions. This plan is optimal for straightforward purchasing workflows and smaller teams with up to 20 users.

With a Power-user pricing model, you get an unlimited number of free users able to submit purchase requests. We only charge you for approvers and administrative users (such as procurement and finance managers).

This plan is well-suited to provide access to the spend management tool for the entire organization without investing a fortune.

With Package pricing, you get a fixed number of user licenses at a fixed, cost-effective rate, which works best for large enterprises.

Why the Price Increase?

We haven’t changed our prices since more than 4 years ago, during which time the Precoro product and team have evolved immensely.

New and Upcoming Functionality

Let’s do a quick recap of the changes we’ve implemented within this timeframe. There’s hardly a module or a feature that hasn’t been improved since 2018.


Precoro’s development highlights were direct integrations with the QuickBooks accounting software and the NetSuite ERP. Our team also added SSO technology and upgraded our API for your custom integrations with other business tools.


Precoro now boasts advanced search options with a growing number of filters; info cards on the dashboards with all required actions at a glance; new tabs, progress bars, and statuses for better structure; a plethora of one-click actions to accelerate and simplify your operations.


We now offer custom reports with 150+ data points, unlimited custom fields, custom budgets for any project, location, or period, and custom approval routing to fit workflows of any complexity.

Spend management

We’ve introduced in-depth visual analytics for informed financial decisions, brand-new features like Credit Notes and Prepayments, revamped Taxes, discounts, the ability to track travel, subscription, office expenses, and more.


Our latest feature was Blanket PO per Total. We’ve also implemented custom document numbering for your convenience, document revision and editing options available at any point of the process, PDF and XLS attachments, warehouse reports and transfers.

Other improvements include easier setup, more data import and export options, the ability to manage multiple companies from one Precoro account, as well as user mentions and notifications for efficient internal communication. And this list could go on forever!

With enhanced security and capacities, Precoro guarantees your data safety and 99.9% uptime commitment. The system has never been more stable.

Our mobile app and Xero integration are already in development, and we’re almost ready to announce a first-to-market feature that will be a true game-changer, so stay tuned to our updates!

A Constantly Growing Team of Experts

We’re happy to let you know that we’re growing our team size to focus on developing a host of new functionality awaited by our customers and to maintain our stellar standards of customer service for the ever-increasing number of companies working with us.

Okay, What's Next?

If you’re an existing Precoro client, your Customer Success Manager will contact you shortly to discuss how the updated pricing will affect your subscription.

If you’re not using Precoro yet but want to lock in the current pricing rates, be sure to contact the sales team at

Should you have any questions, please feel free to ask, we’re here to help.


Lora Arbuzova

Senior Content Marketer at Precoro. Combines passion for writing, PR, and SEO with expertise in SCM, spend management, and automation software.