Brand-New Dashboard: All Vital Spending Indicators at Your Fingertips

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Brand-New Dashboard: All Vital Spending Indicators at Your Fingertips

Meet our completely renewed dashboard. Gather all essential spending indicators and track progress for the required period of time. Explore the action panel, graphs, charts, filters, and more to stay in the loop.

Tetiana Katrych
Tetiana Katrych

No matter what industry you work in, informed means armed. In fact, a data-driven dashboard can serve as a convenient, single source of truth to help companies take advantage of information at their fingertips, according to McKinsey. By analyzing specific indicators, you can receive valuable insights and find particular trends that can help you improve business operations overall.

We always strive to improve your experience with Precoro and help optimize your procurement processes, so we’re excited to present our brand-new dashboard. With it, you’ll be able to get a clear overview of your spending, customize the available graphs and charts, track the next needed actions, and much more! Let’s take a closer look at how you can use our new dashboard.

Why It’s More Than Just a Dashboard

Without real-time purchasing and spending visibility, companies can face uncontrolled spending and an increase in risks. That’s why Precoro’s new dashboard was designed in such a way that you have complete visibility into your expenditures for any period you need. Plus, you can use pre-configured graphs and charts, check spending by supplier, identify users involved in transactions, set filters, and more.

The updated dashboard also lets you:

  • Easily navigate essential purchasing information;
  • Monitor spending across the company, gross total per supplier, item and document custom fields, and user transactions;
  • Customize the available graphs and charts by date range;
  • Set filters according to your preferences and restore them to default settings when needed;
  • See all the actions required from you and get redirected to the necessary page after clicking on a specific info card.

Reasons to Try the New Dashboard

Real-Time Data Visualization

Precoro’s new dashboard is like a magic wand; it collects all the information for you without requiring any additional actions on your part. And with just one click, and you get a comprehensive overview of your procurement activities, displayed on visually engaging charts and graphs. Using it, you can track spending patterns, identify cost-saving opportunities, and make data-driven decisions effortlessly.

Flexibility & Customization

When utilizing the dashboard, you can also set up everything to your liking depending on the information you need to receive. Want to check the indicators for the previous quarter? You’re just two button clicks away. Need to analyze the total amount of expenditure by department or category type? Again, with just two clicks – you’re there. What’s more, you can reset your preferences and return to the default data visualization settings whenever you like.

Automated Processes

The dashboard page contains an action panel above the display to keep you up to date about any actions needed from you, whether there are documents to approve or items to refill. Just click on the action card, and you’ll be automatically redirected to the necessary page. Benefit from quick reactions to important requests, and don’t waste your time searching manually for pending documents.

How to Set Up a New Dashboard

For the sake of simplicity, there’s no setup required. To activate the new dashboard version, just switch it on in the upper right corner. You can return to the old version of the dashboard at any given moment by toggling the same button back off.

What to Expect Next

So far, the new dashboard is available in beta mode, since our team continues to work on its further improvements. Stay tuned, as lots more changes and customization capabilities will be delivered shortly.

We believe that by empowering our users with the new dashboard, we are not only improving their experience with Precoro, but also contributing to the overall success of their companies.

If you don’t use Precoro yet, book a demo and sign up for a free trial using the form below to see how it can transform both your procurement and spend management:

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Tetiana Katrych

Content Writer at Precoro. Uses her subject-matter expertise and passion for writing to create helpful, in-depth, and user-focused content.